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Why We Love Land

Why We Love Land

1 - Land is finite - they're not making it anymore. Buildings can be replaced and demolished, but land is a finite resource.

2 - Land gives you peace of mind - a key component in investing in land is buying a property where something can be done to it. It needs to be suitable for building. You should only buy land that's been platted. The land should also be high & dry. Land doesn't need to be maintained or cared for.

3 - Land is a tangible resource - land cannot vanish or disappear like shares of stocks or many asset classes. Land is physical and tangible. It can't be stolen or destroyed.

4 - Land is great to hold long-term - land investing isn't for the faint of heart or someone looking for a quick flip. It's for someone without immediate plans to build. It's for the patient, smart investor, someone looking to hold long-term or pass on to loved ones. Land is a great diversifier to your investment portfolio. Land is a great long-term hold, especially if you have a 10-year time horizon. It allows you to win the benefits of rising values, especially if you buy in an area that's due to expand and grow.

5 - Land is easy to purchase - when buying land from “Your New Florida,” we take the hassle out of buying, making it a truly pleasurable experience. No credit application or credit checks. Our agreement takes about 10 minutes to complete. No long waits to see finance managers or bank employees, requesting tax returns and so on and so on. No documents needed or required, just your down payment and drivers license and you're done. After your purchase, your pride of ownership will be a feeling that you will never forget.

6 - Land gives you freedom - Land gives you the opportunity to do many things. You can hold it for a lifetime, leave it as part of an inheritance, or hold it until you’re ready to build. Another popular option today is to build an investment property. There are so many options to choose from and the beauty is, there's never a rush to make those decisions.


Florida’s Real Estate Boom

Come be a part of the Florida’s real estate boom as the Sunshine State continues to lead the nation in unprecedented growth.

Land isn't only a good investment in Florida, it's a good investment in many states, especially the southern states that are adding to their population as opposed to losing residents such as California, New York, New Jersey, and Connecticut. But let's talk specifically about Florida. There’s 1000 new residents moving to Florida every day.

Florida has no state income tax. Some states are as high as 13% (California), so that alone makes Florida a major draw. Then there's our beautiful weather, strong and stable workforce, and world-famous theme and amusement parks. Florida is also a top international tourist destination. The economy is dynamic and diverse with dozens of global business headquartered here and a government that is both pro growth and pro business.

We love what we do! Opportunity for all! “Your New Florida” doesn't have million dollar listings. We don't sell properties to the rich and famous. We don't have billboards on highways or front page ads in popular real estate magazines. We cater to the middle-class working person looking to take part in the Florida land boom. It's just about impossible for many to purchase land with bank financing.

When the bank says no, we say yes! We guarantee that the purchaser will be granted approval on the lot loan provided they meet the minimum requirements for the down payment. One thing we stress is that you should only buy if you can afford the down payment and comfortably afford the monthly payments. If the land is not affordable for you today, you can always contact us at a later date when your budget allows. Please do not purchase if you are looking to flip your property for overnight fortunes. In real estate or any investment for that matter, there are no guarantees that values will go up, so invest wisely and prudently.

The future growth of Florida should continue to accelerate. Prior to the pandemic, many visitors who fell in love with our state really didn't have the option of moving because their jobs were elsewhere, but the pandemic really changed everything! Now, many industries allow their workers to work from remote locations and with no state income tax; the growth has been incredible. As we have all seen over the past few years, real estate prices have soared. Homes in some of your neighborhoods have almost doubled in value. There's a lot of demand for Florida real estate and we don't see it slowing down anytime soon.

Florida's Heartland
Discover a part of our state that you probably know very little about.

Future migration will be inevitable to the higher elevations in the state because of rising tides and global warming. Dade and Broward counties each have more people living on land below 4 feet than any US state except Louisiana. The porous limestone underlying much of Florida makes the state particularly vulnerable to sea level rise. In contrast, Highlands County offers an elevation of above 200 feet.

Take a ride and discover the part of our state that you probably know very little about. Highlands County had an anti-growth agenda for many years - never publicized but very evident. City fathers wanted to keep the area quiet and pristine. They didn't want to fall victim to what happened in neighboring cities and towns across the state. They didn't want the explosive growth and all the problems that are associated with it. The great news is - the tide has changed! The first select group of parcels are now being offered for sale.

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